Dr. Ampolos received her MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in health at the California School of Professional Psychology in San Diego, CA. She received her BAs in Psychology and Spanish at the University of San Diego. Her pre-doctoral training was completed at Waiʻanae Coast Comprehensive Health Center on Oʻahu and she relocated to Maui to complete her post-doctoral training. Her areas of expertise include eating disorders, complex trauma, personality disorders, anxiety, depression, women’s health, chronic illness and chronic pain, fibromyalgia, addiction, behavioral weight loss, the mind-body-spirit relationship, and the effects of nutritional deficiencies on physical and mental health. She takes an integrative approach to healing while utilizing culturally-sensitive, evidence-based treatment modalities that encourage self-nurturing, self-reliance, and finding the delicate balance between acceptance versus change. She is also trained in biofeedback and often uses this technique to increase mindfulness, relaxation and balance.